Investment Management

Investment Management

Our investment approach starts with you. Whether you’re looking for a balanced, long-term potential investment opportunity or a short-term investment strategy, you may benefit from our consistent and strategic approach with access to a wide range of strategies to help address your specific needs and goals.

Extensive planning and advisory services

You are at the center of what we do. By using what we’ve learned about you, and leveraging asset allocation decisions along with your investment policy statement, we work with you to build, implement, and monitor a core portfolio with access to a broad range of investments and a full spectrum of strategies.

To help enhance return and mitigate risk, we consider your:

  • Return objectives
  • Risk temperament
  • Cash flow and liquidity needs
  • Tax considerations
  • Investment timeframe
  • Objectives, such as leaving a legacy or responsible investing

What differentiates us:

Our heritage is unique

For more than two centuries we have evolved our understanding of markets and therefore the offering we take to clients.

  • Deep expertise in all asset classes
  • Actively driving the growth of our business
  • Global expertise

Creating value for our stakeholders

With a long-term shareholder base we can take a long-term view in our careful decision-making for our business and our clients. Equally, we are mindful of the impact and implications of our decisions for the world beyond Schroders.

  • Delivering returns for clients and shareholders
  • Taking decisions to benefit society
  • Taking decisions to benefit our people


Our strategy: delivering long-term value for our clients

Changes in the investment industry continue to gather pace. Our strategy looks decades ahead; it is carefully designed to benefit our clients, as we further diversify our business model towards higher demand areas.