Estate and trust


Estate and trust

Access solutions for some of life’s most significant decisions and shape your lasting legacy. 

  • Professional executor and trust administration 
  • Executor and power of attorney appointments 
  • Agent for estate, trust and power of attorney 
  • Insurance counsel and solutions.

What differentiates us:

Our heritage is unique

For more than two centuries we have evolved our understanding of markets and therefore the offering we take to clients.

  • Deep expertise in all asset classes
  • Actively driving the growth of our business
  • Global expertise

Creating value for our stakeholders

With a long-term shareholder base we can take a long-term view in our careful decision-making for our business and our clients. Equally, we are mindful of the impact and implications of our decisions for the world beyond Schroders.

  • Delivering returns for clients and shareholders
  • Taking decisions to benefit society
  • Taking decisions to benefit our people


Our strategy: delivering long-term value for our clients

Changes in the investment industry continue to gather pace. Our strategy looks decades ahead; it is carefully designed to benefit our clients, as we further diversify our business model towards higher demand areas.